Getting to the Point
Acupuncture is an ancient medical practice, which originated in China over 3000 years ago. In a nutshell, acupuncture refers to the practice of inserting specialized needles at key bodily locations called “acupoints.” It is within these concentrated areas where we access and manipulate the vital energy or life force known as “Qi”, which is believed to be inherent in all life forms. While acupuncture’s efficacy can be explained via a biochemical & biomechanical model, its original theories structures itself around an energetic model where disease and disorder is believed to occur from the disruption or stagnation of Qi flow along a distinct network of channels called meridians. The role of acupuncture acts to restore the harmony and balance of this flow of Qi along the body’s meridians to holistically promote vitality and health of an individual.
Acupuncture is a minimally invasive option for many conditions and has no negative interactions with concurrent prescription drugs. It is considered an extremely safe modality with few side effects, which may include soreness at the site of insertion, vertigo, possible bruising, and/or minor bleeding. There are no known absolute contraindications, however, patients that have bleeding disorders (e.g. hemophilia), or on high dose anticoagulants, or extremely needle phobic may not be appropriate candidates for acupuncture